Wondernaut played the Conservatory. Best show I've seen yet. New songs. Great audience. Thanks, MJ, for the entertainment too. We enjoyed seeing you have a good time!
And no mention of the Conservatory would be complete without a few shots of it's deplorable ladies room soap dispenser.
Make no mistake, this is not the epicenter of grossness either. It's only the most fun to introduce to those unfamiliar with the nastiest venue in OKC!
Spooky mange cat from some musty ol' vintage clothing tax write off near Western and Britton.
All my loved ones.
Most epic postcard ever received. No, this did not arrive clenched in the fangs of some wild-eyed wolf... nor even by a pony.
A little sneak preview of what this Christmas is going to be like!!!
Artist, illustrator, designer learning how to live and die and having a lot of fun in the process. Welcome to my lackadaisical web presence experiment.